Lori became a full-time faculty member in April of 2006, on return from Scotland. While there, she lectured at the University of Edinburgh and worked as a case manager with Argyll-Bute Council, Community Services-Social Care, in Oban. Lori graduated from the CAEN curriculum here at VIU (then Malaspina), in 2000, and started her nursing career on 3rd floor (surgical), at NRGH. Following NRGH, Lori travelled to the Netherlands to complete the advanced Amsterdam Master in Medical Anthropology (AMMA), where she completed an ethnography while working with young, foreign, female squatters to explore their ‘community health’ and ‘risk perceptions’ within housing, health and migration policy (during EU transition). Lori later presented this study as, "Women Crossing Borders", at the International Visual Sociology Association's (IVSA) conference, in Southampton, England. Following Amsterdam, Lori then returned to British Columbia and worked with the Nisga’a First Nation as their home care nurse-supervisor, coordinating and providing home and community care services between four villages. From 2008 to 2011, Lori served a term within municipal government as a Councillor for the Town of Ladysmith. Her passion is within population health promotion and curriculum design, and in March 2016, Lori entered her journey of motherhood. Her advice, “Always believe in your dreams.”