Faculty Meetings

The Faculty is the foremost decision-making body of the Faculty. Attendance at two Faculty meetings per year is expected for all regular faculty members. Meetings of the Faculty share information and perspective and make decisions on matters of program and course curriculum, educational standards, planning and priority setting, awards, and honors, and bylaws, policy, and procedure. The Faculty may strike standing or other committees to perform these or other functions. Some of these functions include:

  • Provide cohesive and highly engaged leadership to the faculty, and provide counsel to the Dean, the Program Chair team and the council-at-large.
  • Discuss/debate the faculty’s direction, strategic decisions, policies and macro-level procedures and operations.
  • Provide a forum for members to bring forward for discussion opportunities and issues of relevance to the broader community.
  • Provide support and oversight for Faculty wide planning processes
  • Provide a forum for faculty-wide two-way communications and engagement:
    • To ensure communications and information is more widely shared and disseminated from leadership to and throughout the faculty, and
    • To provide a mechanism by which faculty and staff can provide information and feedback directly to the Dean and other programs.
    • Actively build understanding of the opportunities and challenges; sharing advice and feedback.
    • Actively engage the faculty community in the pursuit of the Universities and Faculties Mandate, Vision and Purpose.

Faculty Council acts as the representative governance council of the Faculty. The Vice-Chair of the Faculty shall be the Vice Chair of the Faculty Council. Please see the role of Faculty Council for further information.

HSHS Faculty Council Meeting Minutes 

Date  Minutes