BSc (Zoology) BEd BSN RN(C) MPH-HP
Noella is an alumni of VIU, graduating with a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) in 2002. She has worked with the Nuu-cha-nulth First Nations as a community health nurse and with the non-profit organization Options for Sexual Health as a clinic coordinator, supervisor and educator. In 2009, she became one of the first wave of Registered Nurses (RN) in BC to achieve Certified Practice (C) in Reproductive Health. Noella joined the VIU BSN faculty in 2009 as a sessional instructor and, in 2013, joined the faculty full-time upon completion of a Master in Public Health-Health Promotion (MPH-HP) program, which included a three month final practicum in Lusaka, Zambia. Prior to becoming a RN, Noella completed a Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Zoology followed by a Bachelor of Education (BEd) and for 10 years taught high school math and science. Working with the BSN program has allowed Noella to combine her passions for teaching and health promotion and to pursue her interests in education and research promoting gender equity and indigenous ways of knowing.