RN; BScN; DipAdEd; MN; CMSN(C)
Upon graduating from the University of Ottawa in 1983, Brenda worked at the Ottawa General Hospital in the Intensive Care Unit for 6 years followed by 12 years as a Clinical Nurse Educator. Over this time she was and educator for cardiopulmonary medicine, general surgery, thoracic surgery, ENT, vascular and plastic surgery. Additionally she was the burn educator for the regional burn unit and the TPN training coordinator for the region. She relocated to Nanaimo in 2001 and began teaching the BSN program. Her interests are teaching pathophysiology and lab courses along with clinical practice in medicine and surgical areas. She has been offering legal nurse consulting since 2002 related to medical and surgical malpractice cases in British Columbia and Alberta, and has been qualified as an expert witness in the Supreme Court of British Columbia. She has been actively involved with the Canadian Nurses Association by item-writing for licensure exams and medical-surgical certification exams. She is involved with the Canadian Association of Medical-Surgical Nurses. Her research interests include medical surgical clinical practices. The human body never ceases to amaze her!